Sai Spiritual Education(SSE)

 Raising a generation of boys and girls who have a clean and a clear conscience

2023-24 SSE Year Highlights

SSE Celebration Day 2023-24

Buddhist Temple Visit Sept 2023

Buddist Monk's Visit to FSC Feb 2024

As part of the Fremont Sai Center’s Unity of Faiths series, Phra Theravamsa, an ordained monastic from Wat Buddhanusorn, “temple for the dedication of the Buddha”, graced the Center on February 11, 2024  to address our Sai Spiritual Education students. 

The students, having visited the temple a few weeks prior, performed a selection of multifaith songs and prayers in honor of Bhante’s visit. 

Against the serene backdrop of Lake Elizabeth, he then addressed our (mostly) young audience in measured, gentle tones about the importance of being a compassionate leader by practicing humility and gratitude, especially gratitude towards our parents. Filial piety is one of the cornerstones of Buddhist ethics, and the venerable teacher proceeded to explain why. 

Metta: Loving-Kindness 

Parents have automatic metta towards their child, even before they are born. They also have karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy), and upeksha (equanimity). Parents are unmoved by praise or blame from their children. 

By practicing metta towards our parents, we can enjoy several benefits such as deep sleep, and being able to make all beings feel safe in our presence, long life, beauty of mind, and most importantly, mental peace. 

The Mother with One Eye

Bhante Theravamsa related a heartwrenching story about a single mother who raised a son in spite of only having one functional eye. As the boy grew, he became increasingly ashamed of his mother’s appearance, until he finally left home and started his own life, ceasing all contact with his mother. Years later, she tried to visit him, thrilled to see that he had a family of his own. Sadly, the son drove her away. 

Subsequently, the young man visited his hometown to attend a function. Looking for his old home, he discovered that a letter had been left for him by his mother, who had since passed. In it, she related how proud she was of him, and how sorry she was that she had been a burden on account of her appearance. She also recounted the reason for her disfigurement. Her son had an accident in his infancy and lost one of his eyes. Unable to bear the thought of her child not being able to see the world fully, she gave him one of hers. 

Wracked with guilt and remorse, the son returned home. He yearned to reconcile with his mother, but it was too late. We must take care to honor loved ones, especially parents, while they are still with us! 

Filial piety not only benefits offspring, but also builds cohesion within communities. Grace and kindness towards parents can be extended to neighbors, coworkers, friends, and society at large. We are grateful to Bhante Theravamsa and the Dhamma for reminding us of its importance. 

Bhante then led the congregation in a five-minute meditation on loving-kindness and left us with this uplifting thought: 

“If your mind is beautiful and clean, the world appears beautiful and clean”

Offering by SSE Children- 2022


Sai Nursery - God's Love 


Group1 - Why Fear When I am Here

Grp2_Temple In My Heart.wav

Group2 - Temple In My Heart

Students Artwork

Paintings, Drawings, Poems created by SSE students over the 2020 - 2021 SSE year.